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Celui-ci est dédié à ce que j'appelle l'Art et la Science du Leadership. La Science du Leadership, ce sont les travaux de recherche menés depuis près d'un siècle sur les leaders et le leadership. C'est le Leadership saisi par la raison logique et la méthode scientifique. L'Art du Leadership, c'est la perception et la pratique du leadership au quotidien, celles de ceux qui agissent en leader ou s'engagent à leurs côtés. C'est le leadership saisi par la raison sensible, l'expérience et l'émotion. L'un ne va pas sans l'autre, chacun nourrit notre réflexion et notre pratique du leadership. Vous trouverez ici mes projets, productions, collaborations, réflexions et recommandations sur l'art et la science du Leadership et les équipes dirigeantes.

mardi 4 septembre 2012

Création d'une nouvelle revue scientifique en Leadership

Après plusieurs mois de travail, nous y voila enfin: la création d'une nouvelle revue scientifique internationale en leadership ! avec une quinzaine de collègues et à l'initiative d'Antonio Marturano, la revue Leadership and the Humanities est née, publiée par Edward Elgar et avec le parainage de l'International Leadership Association.

Cette nouvelle revue permettra d'explorer des thèmes, des approches et des disciplines souvent mis de côté par les revues phares telles que Leadership Quarterly. Le premier numéro prévu en juillet 2013.

Présentation de la Revue Leadership & the Humanities
Leadership and the Humanities is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to advancing understanding of, research on, and applications concerning leadership. The journal offers rigorous but readable scholarship on leadership from the broad field of the humanities, an increasingly popular locus for leadership studies. The journal publishes explorations of leadership from many disciplinary perspectives, including philosophy, ethics, religion, history, psychology, arts, literature, drama, film, ancient and modern languages, classics, communication and media studies, anthropology, political science, and sociology. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. The journal welcomes studies of leaders and leadership in many different settings, in fiction and art, and across different times, places, and cultures. This may include studies of formal as well as informal leaders, and it may focus on followers, organizations, and the context of leadership, or on symbolic representations and depictions of leadership. Research that stresses the diversity of leadership across gender, race, class, religion, and age are encouraged.

The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

Philosophical approaches to Leadership Studies
History and Leadership
Biography and Leadership
Analytic psychology, psychoanalysis and Leadership
Ethics and Leadership
Cultural Studies and Leadership
Arts and Leadership
Literature and Leadership
Language (modern and ancient), Linguistics and Semiotics approaches to Leadership
Communication Studies and Leadership
Religion and Leadership
Anthropological approaches to Leadership
Law and Leadership
Political theory and Leadership
Humanity education for leadership development

Co-Editor in Chief
Antonio Marturano, Adjunct Professor of Business Ethics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
Michael Harvey, Associate Professor of Business Management, Department of Business Management, Washington College, US
J. Thomas Wren, Professor of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, US

Editorial Board
Professor Cornelius J. Bekker, Regent University, US
Dr Brigid Carroll, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Peter Case, James Cook University, Australia
Professor Joanne Ciulla, Richmond University, US
Professor Anthony Grayling, University of Oxford, UK
Professor Keith Grint, Warwick University, UK
Professor Nathan Harter, Christopher Newport University, US
Professor Brad Jackson, The University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
Professor Maosen Li, Renmin University, China
Dr Barbara Mossberg, California State University, Monterey Bay, US
Dr Valerie Petit, EDHEC, France
Professor Mark Poster, University of California, Irvine, US
Professor Danica Purg, Bled School of Management, Slovenia
Professor Ronald Riggio, Claremont MacKenna College, US
Professor Sergio Salvatore, Salento University, Italy
Dr Sverre Spoelstra, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Marco Tavanti, DePaul University, US
Professor Nicholas O. Warner, Claremont MacKenna College, US
Dr Thad Williamson, University of Richmond, US
Professor Martin Wood, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Lien vers la présentation de la revue

Les principales revues de Leadership
The Leadership Quarterly (impact factor: 2.705)
Leadership (impact factor: 1.159)

Nombre total de pages vues